Sunday 12 June 2022

Getting Some Klarity On My Situation

Since 2020 and the horrors of the Covid-19 lockdowns and shielding (when people were dying and terrified but no.10 was a party zone), there has been a rise in remote working.

This was initially an inconvenience but for some people who cannot leave the house or find it difficult for reasons such as transport or physical condition, the rise of remote working was ideal.

So, I thought, what if I could? What if I could, once again, be one of the working masses?

The short answer is unfortunately, no I cannot do it but I am, however, very proud of what I did achieve as a result.

For more detail, read on.

I finished paid employment 11 years ago and this was due to the negative advancement of my physical status. I could not no longer keep up with my responsibilities. Now I do voluntary work a few times a week and I began to wonder whether I would be able to take on paid employment remotely. I joined LinkedIn and had a look at some of the available positions.

There seemed to be plenty of remote jobs that I was qualified for but because I have not worked for 11 years and I did not know how my physical condition would be affected, I decided that it would be sensible to start with an unpaid internship. Unpaid to keep the pressure off while I figured out if I could cope and an internship to give me work experience and to get me used to working again.

I applied to Klarity.oi for a 6-week internship as a content writer for their new online medical library.

All the people that I met there were nice and supportive and I am proud of the articles that I produced. I know now that I could not hold down a job permanently, it was just too much for me. I found myself getting too tired and that it affected my disability negatively but I am pleased that I gave it a go and I am really happy with the articles. Below are links to the website via my articles. Please have a read and and check out the rest of the website:

What Happens When Your Heart Stops

Grey Skin Colour Heart Disease

How to Optimise Sleep for Health and Performance

As for me, I am going to stick with my volunteering with SHOUT as a Crisis Text Line Support Volunteer and a Befriender with Ataxia UK these are only for 5 hours per week and are extremely flexible which is much better for me to fit around my care routine, what I can manage and still have a life.

For me volunteering is very important, purposeful part of my life.

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